The Day That Made Mother Teresa

All biographies of this world-famous Catholic nun, mention one specific day in which she, in effect, became Mother Teresa without realising it at the time. One mind-numbing moment in time. A flash of religious inspiration, that she claims came directly from God. Why does this interest me so much? What does it have to do with “Life Cycles Theory” and does it somehow link my work directly to a religious cause??

OK, now here’s the theory. For many of the public personalities I study the central age 36 “Year of Revolution” contains life and career-defining events, that can come to literally split a person’s life in two, in one mind-numbing moment of one day. It sounds a bit crazy and no-one else has ever come close to describing a similar finding, but that’s what it is. I have many, many examples of this. So how does this measure up to the day the nun who worked in India, in effect, became ‘Mother Teresa’?

She was born August 26th, 1910 so the year in question is Aug, 1946 to Aug, 1947. On Sept, 10th 1946 (in other words when she was aged 36) she experienced what she referred to as “the call within the call”, when she travelled by train to Darjeeling for her annual retreat. She felt it was God speaking directly to her, "I was to leave the convent and help the poor while living among them. It was an order. To fail would have been to break the faith." Biographer, Joseph Langford, later wrote, "though no one knew it at the time, Sister Teresa had just become Mother Teresa".

So here it is. One mind-numbing moment in time and they don’t come much more mind-numbing than this. Her whole life was to become a life in two halves and it happened according to “Life Cycles Theory” in her age 36 “Year of Revolution”. Just to round this out and because this is a theory of life in 12 year cycles, firstly we see at the age of 12 she had decided to commit herself to religious life and become a nun. Then when she was aged 24, she was promoted to become the principal  of a girl’s school in Kolkata, defining her career path until the change at age 36.

Now the ‘big question’ becomes if you accept the concept of ‘God’ and that he/she can directly speak to people and this intersects with my age 36 “Year of Revolution” result for Mother Teresa, does this imply that ‘God’ is somehow responsible for my results? Fair question, but I have always maintained that what I do is not related to religion in any of its many forms. The 12 year cycle has no moral imperative. It applies equally to the life of Mother Teresa as it does to Adolf Hitler, Mussolini for that matter, as well as the Boston Strangler. As I have stated before, “why would ‘God’ bother”?

So there you have it. I had to commit this example to script, because I was stunned by the correlation. Mind you, I have analysed the life of Pope John Paul II in the past, so religious careers form part of the very rich tapestry of my many case histories.


  1. Neil, it’s so fascinating that Mother Teresa’s life was literally transformed in that one moment at age 36 when she heard “the call” and went from being Sister Teresa to Mother Teresa. Also fascinating how she decided to become a nun at age 12, and how her career path was defined at age 24 when she became principal of a girls school. The pattern of her life matches up so perfectly with the Life Cycles Theory!

    1. Yes, Madilyn it shocked me, it was so perfect. I only did it by chance, because I thought well if you've done some infamous profiles, why not do the reverse, with someone who has a saintly reputation. Your comments are always so appreciated. You know, more than anyone else, how many cases I have written about.........and still I so many more. I swear it's crazy. I know not all profiles work as well and some don't fit, but I'm happy to mention them as you know, in my Recent Celebrity Deaths 2015-16 study or any other study I do. But the overwhelming majority fit some aspects of "Life Cycles Theory".


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